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Google doodle of Leo Tolstoy and his works

By Natasha on September 9, 2014 in Culture

On September 9th, 2014, Google celebrated 186th anniversary of the great Leo Tolstoy’s birth with the help of Roman Muradov‘s enchanting art! Roman created today’s doodle that millions of you had a pleasure of seeing. The artist wrote:

I hardly need to say that making a tribute to Leo Tolstoy was a daunting task. No set of images can sum up a body of work so astonishing in scope, complexity and vigor — its memorable scenes come to life with seeming effortlessness, fully realized in the immortal lines and between them” (Washingonpost.com).

Here is your chance to enjoy the doodle again! Below are the screen shots of Roman Muradov’s art accompanied by famous quotations from the corresponding works of Leo Tolstoy.

Google Doodle Tolstoy 2

«Знать мы мо́жем то́лько то, что ничего́ не зна́ем. И э́то вы́сшая сте́пень челове́ческой прему́дрости». — Лев Толсто́й, «Война́ и мир».

“We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.

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«Все счастли́вые се́мьи похо́жи друг на дру́га, ка́ждая несчастли́вая семья́ несча́стлива по-сво́ему». — Лев Толсто́й, «А́нна Каре́нина».

“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

Google Doodle Tolstoy 4

«Проше́дшая исто́рия жи́зни Ива́на Ильича́ была́ са́мая проста́я и обыкнове́нная и са́мая ужа́сная». — Лев Толсто́й, «Смерть Ива́на Ильича́».

“Ivan Ilych’s life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible.” ― Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

Google Doodle Tolstoy 5


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