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Author archive for Natasha

  • Sunny-side up eggs Russian style

    By Natasha on August 12, 2014
    Today на завтрак (for breakfast) I ate perfect глазунью (sunny-side-up eggs) со шкварками (with fried pork fat), луком (onions) и укропом (and dill), помидоры (tomatoes) и огурцы (cucumbers)!
  • Russian priest calls the World Cup a homosexual ignominy

    By Natasha on July 11, 2014
    A Russian Orthodox поп [priest] has denounced Ку́бок ми́ра [the World Cup] as “гомосексуа́льное позо́рище” [а “homosexual ignominy”]. According to priest Алекса́ндр Шу́мский [Alexander Shumsky], brightly colored footwear promotes “педерасти́ческую ра́дугу” [the “gay rainbow”]. “Wearing ро́зовые [pink] or голубы́е [baby blue] бу́тсы [soccer shoes], (the players) might as well wear же́нские трусы́ [women’s panties] or бюстга́льтер [a bra],” Шу́мский [Shumsky] wrote in his online column. Поп [the priest] was also not […]
  • Happy Victory Day!

    By Natasha on May 9, 2014
    Why does World War II hold a special place in many hearts of people who live or used to live in the former Soviet Union? I arrived at this answer a while ago, when I came to America. It is hard, if not impossible, to forget the atrocities of WWII when you live in a place surrounded by WWII reminders: […]
  • Putin to the rescue!

    By Natasha on February 8, 2012
    Russia follows Belarusian steps! Right before Belarusian presidential elections in 2010, a song titled “Саня останется с нами” (“Sanya will remain with us”) became an overnight hit. While there wasn’t a direct reference to Alexander Lukashenko in the song, everyone understood that the song’s protagonist named Sanya was none other than the President of Belarus himself. Needless to say, government […]
  • Popular Russian appetizer: Mushroom-stuffed eggs

    By Natasha on December 28, 2011
    There are many different stuffed eggs recipes. If you ever visited Russia or celebrated holidays with Russians, you probably know that mushrooms are often used in Russian cuisine. So, it’s not surprising that the most well-known Russian stuffed eggs recipe asks for mushrooms. You can make this dish for any holiday. It’s a wonderful appetizer and, needless to say, it […]
  • Protests in Russia: Will people’s voices be heard?

    By Natasha on December 13, 2011
    All past week, Western media has been buzzing with the news: massive protests in Russia! After reading articles in The New York Times, The Washington Posts, and other reputable newspapers, one may think that revolution is about to take place in Russia.
  • Protests mocked and silenced on Russian TV

    By Natasha on December 11, 2011
    Last night I watched 8 o’clock (8 PM CT) news on Russian First channel for one reason only, to see if the channel would report about the protests. And they did. According to the First channel news program, there were, indeed, protests in Moscow and St. Petersburg on December 10, 2011. They even interviewed several protesters, one of whom mentioned […]
  • “Шашлык” or shish kebab Russian style

    By Natasha on June 20, 2011
    We get together on different holidays celebrating different things, but most importantly we meet to socialize with our family and friends and to enjoy some good food! In America, many holidays are synonymous with barbeque. Can you picture celebrating the 4th of July without barbeque and fire works? Can anything really beat getting together with your family and friends, firing […]
  • Happy Russia Day!

    By Natasha on June 12, 2011
    День Росси́и [Russia Day] is национа́льный [a national] пра́здник [holiday] of the Russian Federation celebrated on June 12. On this day in 1990, the First Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Пра́здник [the holiday] has been celebrated ка́ждый год [every year] since 1992. Пе́рвый [the first] президе́нт [President] of Russia Бори́с [Boris] Е́льцин [Yeltsin] proposed to rename […]
  • Learn Russian alphabet vocabulary with us!

    By Natasha on May 24, 2011
    Now that you know ру́сский алфави́т [Russian alphabet], let’s learn слова́ алфави́та [the alphabet words] used in the image above. Click on the audio player below, listen, and repeat after me. Try reading these words spelled in Russian below as you listen to me. [powerpress] As you can see, there are no words в ру́сском языке́ [in Russian language] that begin […]